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Junior Lifetime Membership

Thank you for your interest in becoming a member of the KCFA. We are very excited to welcome individuals like yourself who share an interest in having fun while making our community a better place to live, make new friendships and raise families. In the below form, please fill out your contact information along with any areas you would be interested in assisting with. Also, filling out the box that shows your areas of knowledge/expertise will allow us to match you to the areas where you can contribute the most while also allowing you to have fun doing something you enjoy. Again, thank you for joining and we look forward to working with you!

Application - Junior

As a Junior Member, you will automatically become a Lifetime Adult Member at the time you turn 18 at no additional cost!!

Junior Member's will be eligible to vote after they obtain the age of 18, and have been a member of the association for a period of 1 year which will include their time spent as a Junior Member.

Personal Information

Volunteer Interests

Check as many areas as you like.
your committment and time is appreciated!!

Application and Terms

Terms and Conditions
I have read and agree to the terms and conditions.
Membership Fee - Junior

After receiving your application, it will be presented to the KCFA Board of Directors at the next scheduled board meeting. These are held the 2nd Tuesday of every month in the Director's room at the Kendall County Fair Grounds. You are welcome to join us!

After your application is approved, you will be added to our membership list and receive a membership card.   

Prefer to mail your forms?

That's ok! You can print the Membership Application. It must be completed, signed and mailed with $10.00 payment to:

Kendall County Fair Association
c/o Membership
PO Box 954
Boerne, TX 78006

For more information or questions, please contact Patti McCreless at 830-822-0014 or send an email to office@kcfa.org.
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