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The first Kendall County Fair was held in Boerne, Texas in 1905. Communication was very limited so it was imperative that a central meeting be held at least annually so the people of the area would have a chance to exchange ideas, recipes and news of events. Thus was born the idea of the county fair and the people of the county gathered together in the “Opera House” located in downtown Boerne to hold the first Kendall County Fair on September 4, 1905.

On March 14, 1913, the citizens of Kendall County gathered for a called mass meeting for the purpose of organizing a Kendall County Fair Association. On July 1, 1913, the corporation charter was granted and the newly formed Kendall County Fair Association was presented an once-in-a-lifetime opportunity by The Ferdinand Ludwig Von Herff Family. Fifty Five acres of land was deeded to the association from the Herff Family extensive holdings east of town for the association to hold a yearly fair and erect buildings to house the event. In order to ensure the continuation of the Fair for those generations that followed the deed also forbade the sale of the property.

H.O. Adler was the first president elected and Miss Martha Fabra (Mrs.E.P.Heye) was appointed first lady manager. Miss Bonnie Lee Kemp (Mrs. Carl H. Molberg) was the first Kendall County Fair Queen selected in 1949. The Kendall County Fair Association governing board now consists of twenty one active voting director members. The association is honored to have senior directors of whom have served nine or plus years as a director. As of 2020, fifteen of the Senior Directors served a reign as President during their term as a director. The association has over 2,500 life time members.

Beautiful Herff Park, located at 1307 River Road is the home of the Kendall County Fair. The fifty-five acre park is studded with live oak trees, which make an ideal setting for the annual Labor-Day week-end fair. The Kendall County Fair Association's "Oma’s Christmas Fair" is held at the fairgrounds annually the first week-end in December. This year, 2021 Oma’s Christmas Fair will celebrate 37 years. The facilities are utilized by both commercial and community organization as well as private parties to host their events both large and small.

The Kendall County Fair has been held annually (Except during the war years when it was supplanted by one or more livestock shows each year and in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.) The purpose of the annual fair is to display the best agriculture products and livestock from Kendall County and the surrounding hill country area. It’s purpose is educational and it’s main objective is to encourage and develop farming and ranching in line with modern development as an educational and social institution. The Kendall County Fair offers its patrons a real opportunity to participate in the benefits offered. The Association is a 501(c)3 Non-profit with officers and directors serving without remuneration. Any and all profits from the various activities held are used to further the interest of the association and for improving properties and the grounds. This year, 2021, the Kendall County Fair will celebrate 115 Years.

The officials of the association would like to this opportunity to “WELCOME” area citizens and visitors alike to the fair. The fair would not be possible without the support of Kendall County and the surrounding area. As we are reminded of our past and look to the future, we welcome your comments and suggestions and hope that you will help us make this annual event enjoyable and memorable for everyone attending. We cannot do this alone; we need you and your support to continue our main purpose and objectives for the younger generations to come.

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