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Home > Programs > Homestead Heritage Exhibition Hall

Homestead Heritage Exhibition Hall

The Homestead Heritage Exhibition Hall was originally built in 1918. It was the center stage of fair events and celebrations through the early years of the Kendall County Fair Association. A devastating fire completely burned the sixty-six year old building to the ground on February 17, 1984. Today what stands in it's place is the rebuilt Exhibit Hall, which was built with donated funds and hundreds of volunteer hours by directors, auxiliary and members of the community.

Inside you will find the recreated president's wall showcasing all of our past presidents. You will also find decades of history within it's cases, including pictures of past Queen's and courts.

Part of our mission at the Kendall County Fair Association is to give back to our community. below you'll find a link to the scholarship program and application form. You'll also notice a link to past scholarship winners!

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