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Become a Member

As a member of the KCFA, you will have the opportunity to support education and activities to benefit the citizens of Kendall County and the surrounding communities. The Fair Association maintains a strong focus on agriculture leadership, education and entrepreneurship, while also working to create an environment that supports and encourages strong family values. Members not only get to vote for the leadership of the Fair Association, members also get to participate in a wide variety of events all year long. From Oma’s Christmas Fair to the Annual County Fair on Labor Day Weekend to a broad assortment of family-friendly events, you will be welcomed to assist and join in on all the fun! Become a member now and help Kendall County continue to be one of the best places around!

MISSION: The mission of the Kendall County Fair Association, Inc., as a Non-profit Corporation, is to encourage and promote agricultural, horticultural and livestock education and related industrial interests of the citizens of Kendall and surrounding Counties.

VISION: The Kendall County Fair Association Inc. envisions Kendall and surrounding counties as a vibrant rural community where the agricultural industry is encouraged, agricultural education is promoted and where the industries of agriculture, horticulture and livestock management are flourishing both now and into the future.


  • Promotion of agricultural education, leadership and agricultural entrepreneurship.
  • Encouragement and recognition of the achievement of youth in agricultural, horticultural and livestock management, academic achievement and leadership experiences.
  • Promotion of the involvement of women in nutrition, leadership, agricultural, horticultural, and livestock related occupations and in entrepreneurial home based businesses within the Hill Country community.
  • Providing community facilities used to improve agricultural, horticultural and livestock industries and to promote the economic, environmental, recreational and human services in the Kendall County community.

How to become a member

We are excited to offer you two ways to sign up as a member of the Kendall County Fair Association. By clicking the link below, you will be taken to a new screen where we are excited to offer an online membership application! Prefer to sign up with a paper form! No problem! After you click the appropriate link below, it will be toward the bottom.

To join as an Adult Member (age 18 and above)
To join as a Junior Member (Age 12 through 17)
Thank you for joining our team!

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